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Exemption from the obligation to pay contributions on the basis of the so-called Anti-Crisis Shield against the background of the previously applicable solutions for the cancellation for the social insurance contributions in Poland

One of the mechanisms facilitating a payer of contributions for social insurance to fulfillment of his obligations to the social insurance system is their cancellation. Legal solutions adopted in order to counteract the effects of the pandemic COVID-19 define the effects of the cancellation of certain contributions dues in a different way than before. The author presenting the rules of the cancellation for the social insurance contributions, defined by the provisions of the Act of 13 October 1998 on the social insurance system, other legal acts, referred to as "abolition acts", indicates the consequences of differences between them and the covid provisions. The author also formulates de lege ferenda conclusions, which may be important in the future, not only due to the current pandemic, but also other phenomena affecting the economic, health and social security of society.

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Keywords: cancellation of contributions; COVID-19; social security; legal structures of the social insurance system; social policy



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