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prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Ślebzak
ORCID: 0000-0002-5029-4241

Professor of law, specialist in the field of social security law, coordination of social security systems in the European Union as well as labour law, professor at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, head of the Department of Labour and Social Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration, head of the Labour Law and Social Security Department in the Supreme Court Research and Analyses Office.

DOI: DOI 10.33226/0032-6186.2022.7.1
JEL: K31

The article is devoted to models of trade union association of officers employed on an administrative basis. This mainly applies to officers of the Police, Border Guard, Prison Service and the Customs and Tax Service. The statutory changes of 2019 introduced mechanisms of qualitative pluralism to the organization of trade unions of these groups of officers.

Keywords: trade unions; union pluralism; officers of the Police
DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.11.5
JEL: H55

This paper concerns the issue of putting business activity under scrutiny by the Social Insurance Institution in terms of verifying assessment basis for calculating sickness insurance contributions and the amount of benefits therefrom. One could have get impression that the issue in question had been settled in the resolution of seven judges of the Supreme Court of 21 April 2010, II UZP 1/10. The recent case law of that Court, in particular judgments of 5 September 2018, I UK 208/17 and of 17 October 2018, II UK 301/17 and II UK 302/17, seems however to indicate that the problem has not lost its relevance. The purpose of this study is to critically analyze the latest case-law in the aforesaid area, especially in the context of normative changes that followed the resolution II UZP 1/10.

Keywords: verification of contribution assessment basis; business activity; entitlement to social insurance coverage
DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2020.3.3
JEL: K31

Regulations regarding tax- and social-security-related liabilities cover exemptions of benefits related
to contractors' business trip. Even though neither do the Civil Code nor the Labour Code provide for
contractors' business trip, it seems that under the aforesaid provisions these two types of business
trips have been equated. What has not been however determined is whether it is permissible to
interpret the concept of "business trip" with respect to contractors the same way the concept of
"business trip" is interpreted with respect to employees. The aim of this study is to resolve this
problem and to present the principles of exemption from taxation and from the social security
contributions with respect to benefits related to contractors "business trips".

Keywords: contractors' business trip; exemption from social security contributions
DOI: 10.33226/0032-6186.2019.12.2
JEL: K31 (artykuł w języku angielskim)

In the event of the regulation of the right to social security at the constitutional level, one of the most interesting theoretical and practical issues is the question about the possibility of claims on the grounds of the provision of the Constitution that lays down the right to benefits at a determined level. Thus, in the above-cited constitutions, there is either the constitutional right to social security or only reference is made to provisions regulating this right precisely. In the latter case, there is no doubt that the specific contents of the given right are to be developed in the future secondary regulations. On the other hand, in the situation when the right to social security is laid down in a constitution directly, a question is raised about its material (definite) substratum. It usually results in many controversies in literature as well as in judicial decisions. The issue also concerns the right to social security regulated by the Polish Constitution of 1997. The aim of the article is to present the controversies over the above-mentioned issue in the Polish constitutional system.

Keywords: the right to social security; polish constitution