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Marka narodowa. Jak skutecznie budować wizerunek i reputację kraju

Marta Hereźniak
ISBN: 978-83-208-1898-7
Pages: 236
Publication date: 2011
Place publication: Warszawa
Publication: I
Binding: paperback
Format: 162x237
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As a web of multilateral relations grows more and more dense and intensive among countries, their efforts to develop their respective national image and repute (national brand) involves the quest for methods of highlighting their strengths and for effective ways to improve their economic competitiveness. National states increasingly revoke to methods and tools applied by enterprises in order to build their market status. Developing a strong brand and brand management makes one of the crucial areas in which countries emulate solutions developed and applied by enterprises.
National branding (building a national brand) is a phenomenon that relates to activities undertaken by a state’s institutions at both central and local levels and to efforts by private and public entities (associations, social and professional groups, etc.), aiming at development and communication of a country’s competitive advantages.
The book is a result of the Author’s several years of experience from working on the Brand for Poland program, as well as her in-depth research and analyses concerning best practices, methods and strategies of developing national brands in countries all around the world. It was written to be of use to different environments interested in building national brands or already involved in the process.
Due to its structure, inclusion of case studies and comprehensive approach to the problem, the book can be used as topical academic manual for students of different fields of social sciences. Moreover, it may be regarded a compendium of knowledge and best practices useful to Polish public institutions.
The book includes guidelines for public institutions that participate in the process of developing Poland’s national brand. It may also provide a source of inspiration to managers of companies interested in the involvement in this process, as the key issues discussed in the book include that of the importance of corporate brands and products in national branding. Additionally, it gives examples of forms and methods of involving companies into the process of national brand development as well as guidelines on how to use the country of origin as an element that distinguishes a given brand in the market.


The preface to National brand. How to effectively develop a country’s image and repute was written by Wally Olins, a guru in the field of brand building and national branding. Olins is the co-founder of Wolff Olins, at present the Chairman of Saffron with offices in London and Madrid, author of the fundamental work Corporate Identity. He has achieved a status of guru in the area of market identity, worked as advisor to many global organizations and countries in terms of their identity, brands and communication, e.g. to McKinsey, Akzo-Nobel, Repsol, Q8, Portugal’s Council of Tourism, BT, Prudential, Renault and Volkswagen. Guest lecturer in Saïd Business School in Oxford University and in Copenhagen Business School. Participant of seminars dedicated to branding worldwide, a consultant at Polish National Chamber of Commerce and the Institute for Poland’s Brand. His book On Brand has become classic and was translated to 20 languages.


The book’s review was published in Decision Maker’s Library in Decydent & Decision Maker. Enjoy reading!



Przedmowa Wally’ego Olinsa


Rozdział 1: Kraje jako marki — podstawy brandingu narodowego
1.1. Idea brandingu narodowego
1.2. Dlaczego kraje i firmy upodabniają się do siebie
1.3. Branding narodowy — istota, cele, przesłanki rozwoju
1.4. Naukowe podstawy brandingu narodowego

Rozdział 2: Marka narodowa a marka korporacyjna — podobieństwa i różnice
2.1. Ewolucja koncepcji marki — implikacje dla brandingu narodowego
2.2. Koncepcja marki korporacyjnej i jej użyteczność dla marki narodowej

Rozdział 3: W jaki sposób marki komercyjne i marka narodowa wzajemnie się wspierają
3.1. Efekt kraju pochodzenia — czym jest i jak działa
3.2. Markowe produkty z markowych krajów
3.3. Marki firm i produktów jako nośniki tożsamości narodowej

Rozdział 4: Wektory marki narodowej — wyzwania, metody, dobre praktyki
4.1. Wektory marki narodowej
4.2. Wektor pierwszy: dyplomacja publiczna
4.3. Wektor drugi: turystyka
4.4. Wektor trzeci: bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne
4.5. Wektor czwarty: markowy eksport

Rozdział 5: Jak budować marki narodowe
5.1. Model procesu budowania marki narodowej
5.2. Przebieg i organizacja procesu budowania marki narodowej
5.3. Interesariusze, czyli kto buduje markę narodową
5.4. Czas, koszty i rezultaty procesu budowania marki narodowej
5.5. Bariery i ograniczenia procesu budowania marki narodowej

Rozdział 6: Budowanie polskiej marki narodowej
6.1. Branding narodowy w Polsce — uwarunkowania, ograniczenia, wybrane inicjatywy
6.2. Wizerunek i reputacja Polski na świecie
6.3. Projekt „Marka dla Polski” i próby jego kontynuacji
6.4. Przyszłość polskiej marki narodowej


Marta Hereźniak

Doctor, associate professor in the Chair of International Marketing and Distribution in the University of Lodz, where she defended what probably was Poland’s first doctoral dissertation dedicated to development of the national brand. Cooperates with the National Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Polish Brand. Former member of a team working on the Brand for Poland project. Author of and co-author of studies in the area of brand management, territorial marketing and creation of countries’ image, as well as a translator of books in these areas. Co-developed the strategy of building the brand of European funds in Poland, cooperated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the strategy for promotion of Poland. Co-author of the Brand for Lodz project. Involved in counselling activities in the area of developing the brand and marketing communication.
Author of the book Marka narodowa. Jak skutecznie budować wizerunek i reputację kraju. (National brand. How to effectively build the country’s image and reputation, PWE, 2011).

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