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The impact of learning styles on student satisfaction, stress and overflow in e-learning environments

Rapid technological advancements, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, have made the e-learning experience a crucial aspect of the value proposition provided by higher education institutions to their students. However, general perception of the e-learning experience may be influenced by the characteristics of the students. This study specifically addresses one such critical characteristic: the individual learning style. The main research question of this study examines how individual learning styles might affect students' perceptions of e-learning experiences, with focus on their reported stress levels, feelings of overflow, and overall satisfaction with e-learning. A survey was conducted with a sample of 532 students to investigate these dynamics. The study utilized k-means cluster analysis to segment respondents based on their preferred learning styles and employed ANOVA with the Bonferroni post-hoc test to identify differences between the resulting clusters. The findings reveal that students with deep and strategic learning styles reported significantly lower levels of stress and overflow during the pandemic, compared to their peers with a surface learning style. Additionally, they expressed greater satisfaction with their e-learning experience. These insights indicate that online learning is best utilized as a supplement to traditional face-to-face instruction, as exclusive reliance on online modalities may increase stress and overflow for many students.

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Keywords: e-learning experience; learning styles; segmentation; higher education



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