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Dr hab. Ewa Lisowska
ORCID: 0000-0002-4203-946X

Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Department of International Management. She conducts research on women in the labor market, women managers, and entrepreneurs. Her teaching focuses on gender equality and diversity in society. She is the author of the books: Kobiecy styl zarządzania (Feminine style of management, 2009), and Równouprawnienie kobiet i mężczyzn w społeczeństwie (Equality between women and men in society, 2010).

DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.1.1
JEL: M31, M39, I11

The objective of the article is to indicate that social marketing campaigns have an impact on pro-health behaviors, particularly of women, as they have greater health awareness than men, due to the socialization. It is also interesting to recognize how the youngest (Millennials) generation women and men differ from the representatives of the Baby Boomers generation in this respect. The study uses the results of the exploratory quantitative survey conducted in the third quarter of 2021 among patients of a selected first contact medical facility located in Poland. The questionnaire was available to patients of this medical facility for two months. 217 of them filled the questionnaire (random sample). It turned out that men know a higher number of pro-health social campaigns than women, and more frequently believe that they contribute to disease prevention. However, this is not statistically significant and needs to be confirmed in further studies. The results also showed that male representatives of the Baby Boomers, compared to youngest men (Millennials), more often perceive social campaigns concerning health protection and prevention. This difference is statistically significant and not observed in the group of women. There is no theoretical research underpinning this study in Poland, so this article provides a significant input into the theory of social marketing in the field of pro-health campaigns and their influence on disease prevention. Medical facilities can use the results of this research as an argument for their activities toward social marketing. The observations were made only among patients of one medical facility, thus excluding the possibility of generalizing the findings. Therefore, this empirical research should be treated as an exploration of the subject matter for further surveys.

Keywords: marketing of medical facilities; pro-health campaigns in Poland; social marketing