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Dr Tomasz Serwański
Dr Tomasz Serwański
ORCID: 0000-0001-8697-5455

Doctor of social sciences in the field of Management Science and Quality, assistant professor at the Department of Management Theory at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. He specializes in socio-cultural aspects of management – brand symbolism and cultural marketing, as well as the determinants of consumer behaviour. Author of the monograph Marketing Kulturowy (Cultural Marketing) (PWE, 2021).

DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.12.5

The article attempts to capture the axial, pressing conflicts in the field of marketing theory and practice today, taking as a reference point one of the most discussed advertising campaign of recent years in Poland of the YES brand, local jewellery manufacturer. The paper offers a socio-cultural explanation for the success of the campaign as an example of challenging modernist intuitions in marketing communication. Specifically, it explores the conditions and course of the social transformation that fuelled the emergence of an identity market for the brand and demonstrates how marketing communications aligned with identity projects of Polish consumers. In the realm of organization theory, it is argued that common theoretical and cognitive assumptions about the nature of the sociocultural context of organizing and basic management principles, such as the assumed separation between an organization and its environment, prove to be a dysfunctional barrier to the transition to a new two-way model of communication with consumers.

Keywords: marketing communication; cultural branding; management theory; consumer research (komunikacja marketingowa; branding kulturowy; teoria zarządzania; badania konsumenckie)