The publication concerns normative provisions regarding the advertising of medical devices. Prima facie, it may seem that the entry into force of regulations regulating the principles of advertising medical devices means transparency of action in this area, however, a detailed analysis of the provisions of the Medical Devices Act leads to the conclusion that the legislative area contains certain gaps that may result in sanctioning certain behaviours of entities conducting advertising of medical devices as inconsistent with the applicable regulations. Taking into account the new legal conditions, an analysis of individual legal regulations relating to the principles of conducting advertising of medical devices was made. Due to the short period of validity of the indicated regulations, the purpose of the publication will be to determine the directions of interpretation of individual provisions relating to advertising of medical devices using a systemic interpretation. The legal analysis is accompanied by the hypothesis that the regulations regarding the advertising of medical devices are in many cases undefined and consist of provisions containing vague concepts. The work uses the dogmatic and legal method.
Keywords: branch; medical devices; advertising of medical devices; advertising addressed to the public; misleading advertising