ISSN 0137-5490 – journal published and distributed in paper version which is its original version.
Monthly magazine published since 1949. It presents new Polish and Community solutions in economic, commercial, civil, copyright, banking, financial and administrative law:
- it explains doubt in the area of application of law,
- it analyzes in detail judgements rendered, in the area of economy, by the Supreme Court, Court of Justice of the European Union, and institutions of international commercial arbitration,
- it presents issues concerning the harmonization of Polish legislation with that of the European Union.
The Journal of Business Law is a scientific magazine. It was awarded 100 points in the ministerial classification (according to the Communication from the Minister of Science of 05/01/2024 on the list of scientific magazines and reviewed materials from international conferences with attributed numbers of points).
The magazine is present in the following databases:
- CEJSH (,
- BazEkon (,
- PBN (,
- Index Copernicus - IC Journals Master List (
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