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Dr hab. Agnieszka Żbikowska
Dr hab. Agnieszka Żbikowska
ORCID: 0000-0003-4216-1817

She works at the Department of Marketing at the Cracow University of Economics. She is interested in the issues of international marketing and public relations. Prof. Żbikowska is particularly interested in the determinants of consumer behaviour on foreign markets and the role of culture in shaping marketing tools by international enterprises. She is the author of over one hundred scientific publications. She is a member of the board of the Polish Scientific Marketing Society.

DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.8.2
JEL: D11, D12

The article deals with the problem of researching consumer  behaviour in a crisis. Each crisis, especially a global one, causes several negative and positive consequences in the macroenvironment, in the micro-environment of enterprises, and the  behaviour of households and individual customers. The issue of researching consumer  behaviour in crisis is important because the world is internationalized, and numerous tensions threaten further crises. To achieve the goal, the focus was on identifying various problems of consumer  behaviour research in crisis: terminological, methodical, and empirical. The article considers terminological issues: the concept of crisis, the impact of the crisis on consumer  behaviour, and the planes and components of consumer  behaviour research in crisis. In the methodological aspect, the issues of selection of methodological paths, research methods, and methodological integration are considered. Empirical issues were related to the description of the current reaction of consumer  behaviour to the crisis and its future effects. The conclusions present original recommendations in the field of consumer  behaviour research in a crisis.

Keywords: consumer behaviour; consumer behaviour research; crisis