Aim: To identify an image of Jeep automotive brand on a basis of a questionnaire research and comparing it with the state of the art achievable in scientific works.
Design and methods: A questionnaire research was carried out on a sample sized 56 — Jeep vehicles users or customers interested in purchasing them. In the results analysis, both quantitative and qualitative approach was used. In the quantitative analysis frequency of appearance as well as associations and affinities between attributes were examined. Also a comparative analysis of the results obtained from the empirical research with these published by other authors was performed.
Conclusions: A hypothesis was verified, according to which the image of the brand Jeep matches the one described in scientific works. On a basis of the empirical research results analysis it was stated that the brand Jeep is associated mostly with off road, big cars from the US, additionally characterized by high level of quality. In general this matches the results obtained be other researchers. Still, some discrepancies also occur, e.g. recognizing the brand as a family one, or identifying Jeep cars as SUVs. What is more, very few associations with freedom, adventure or outdoor were noticed, which are so clearly visible in brand's identity message. Also rare are associations with the rough, military character of the brand which reaches its roots.
Managerial implications: An information concerning attributes adding up to the Jeep brand image was obtained. This is the brand image in consumers' minds. On this basis one can suggest taking up marketing activities (promotional and others) aiming at creating the brand image more precisely reflecting the intentions of the brand owner.
Limitations: Limited sample size in the empirical research as well as limited scope of the questionnaire. The structure of the sample was not examined. The research should be treated as a pilot one.
Keywords: brand; automotive market; image; Jeep