Chinese bronze crafts market
The aim of the article is to introduce the subject of the Chinese bronze market which could fill an information gap, which is extremely important from the craft marketing point of view. To achieve this goal, the method of analyzing the existing data was used – literature and Chinese journalists' articles. The article presents, among others, the demand and supply side of this market, the importance of artisanal bronze products in the economic culture of China, the specificity of this craft, and the division of the market into the ancient and modern. One of main conclusions is the observation that contemporary Chinese bronze craftsmanship is not a topic chosen for research and publication within the disciplines of Economics and Finance Sciences, and Management and Quality Sciences. Therefore, characterizing the contemporary Chinese bronze market based only on literature is not fully possible with the current availability of information. The text also points out that the group of craftsmen working with bronze in China is diversified, and the survival and profitability of this craft may largely depend on how it is popularized and promoted.
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