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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.5.3
JEL: M3, M31

Design thinking as a method of creating unique business solutions illustrated with an example of Goplana chocolate workshop

Combining business objectivity and rationality with subjective experiment-based design is seemingly contradictory. However, a new understanding of the term 'design' as being not only creative but also responsible, useful, and problem-solving to the same extent, has paved the way to developing a new work method — design thinking. The article's aim is to familiarize the reader with the method, its stages and benefits, especially emphasizing the aspect of explaining practical solutions, tools, results, and effects. Design thinking allows to create unique solutions, since they are based on empathy, a thorough identification of the needs of users, while being rational business-wise. Working with design thinking is a creative as well as organized process. It is presented and characterized in the article, and supplemented with a new service, developed and implemented by the author — Goplana chocolate workshops, addressed to children.

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Keywords: design thinking; creativity; design proces



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Journal of Marketing and Market Studies 5/2020
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