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Employer brand personality. Construct validation

The paper aims at presenting the results of theoretical validation of the employer brand personality construct. The text explains the specificity of the employer brand, presents where the interest in the brand personality came from, and indicates the reasons for undertaking research in the field of measuring the employer brand personality. Bearing in mind that each research project should include the validation of the (new) tool used, the authors assess the reliability and accuracy of the employer brand personality scale used in their own research. The scale used in the research is a modified (adjusted to the specificity of the employer's brand) Polish-language brand personality scale. Based on the results of validation, the authors propose that a two-dimensional scale consisting of fourteen aspects should be used to study the employer brand personality. The two-dimensional employer brand personality construct meets the conditions of reliability and accuracy. This means that the developed scale can be used in practice (under Polish conditions). Therefore, the article has application values; this study is also one of the few Polish-language texts devoted to the personality of the employer brand.

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Keywords: employer brand; employer brand personality; measurement; construct validation



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