Evaluation of the healthcare service quality — implementation of SERVQUAL method
Evaluation of service quality is an important aspect of increasing the quality of services — both public and private. Our study focuses on healthcare services that are of significant importance in the quality's context of residents' life. The research aim of the study was an evaluation of healthcare service quality in the selected public hospital by assessment of service quality dimensions-tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy. As the research method was selected, the SERVQUAL questionnaire, which was adjusted to the specificity of the researched unit and there were attributes of dimensions identified in the healthcare service. The quantitative research was conducted among 120 public hospital patients of therapeutic department — clients of the healthcare service. The importance of the dimensions of the healthcare service was evaluated and the gap between perceived and expected service quality was identified. The evaluation of the quality of the healthcare service in the analyzed public hospital proved that it is characterized by a relatively high level of assurance and empathy. At the same time, the biggest gap between perceived and expected healthcare service quality was identified in tangibility and responsiveness dimensions.
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