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Mgr Jakub Brzeziński
ORCID: 0000-0001-5353-8777

Assistant in Department of Logistics at Faculty of Management (University of Lodz) and PhD Candidate. Graduate of logistics at the home faculty and law at the Faculty of Law and Administration. His scientific interests include supply chain management and contract management. Team member of few scientific and educational international projects.

DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.1.5

A team of scientists from the Warsaw School of Economics and the University of Lodz organized a scientific seminar on September 23, 2022 as part of the project “New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research: Social Innovation Management for BIOPlastics, SIMBIO”

DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2022.9.3
JEL: D22, O35, Q01

The integration of circular economy principles within the bio-packaging market is driving changes in the food packaging sector. It contributes to the achievement of climate neutrality goals and builds the economy's resilience to the deficiency of non-renewable resources. The aim of the article is to present the key problems and barriers to the development of bio-packaging supply chains and the reasons for their occurrence in Poland, as well as to propose solutions that accelerate the development of the domestic bio-packaging market. The authors undertake the presentation of research results, including social innovations, that are the synergy effect of the knowledge and experience of food bio-packaging supply chains' stakeholders, including private and public entities.

Keywords: biopolymer; packaging; supply chain; circular economy; social innovation
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2021.3.1
JEL: D22, O35, Q01

The aim of the article is to present the development of bio-packaging supply chains as a market trend towards meeting the principles of the circular economy (CE) and the concept of research focused on it. The authors explain the need to undertake and constantly deepen cooperation of stakeholders in creating social innovations, necessary to design circular supply chains of bio-packaging to meet CE principles. They open the perspective of research on the conditions and significance of the development of biopackaging market and closed loop to contribute to the achievements of life sciences by presenting results and conclusions in the background of social sciences. The concept of their research has also application values, as it integrates stakeholders from private and public sectors in the pursuit of creating and implementing innovations.

Keywords: biopolymer; packaging; supply chain; circular economy; social innovation