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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2021.6.3
JEL: M31, G21
Agnieszka Ertman ORCID: 0000-0001-9083-8007 , e-mail: a.ertman|| |a.ertman|

Marketing 4.0 in the activity of commercial banks in Poland — a perspective of the purchasers

Marketing concepts have evolved by shifting the focus from the core product to meeting the consumers' needs and anticipating their desires. As a consequence of the evolution of marketing concepts, the methods of companies' communication with consumers have been gradually changing. That proces includes the banks as well. Marketing activities, as other areas of the bank's operations, are based on digitization and modern technologies. The aims of the research within this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of techniques and tools within Marketing 4.0, applied by commercial banks in Poland to stimulate consumers' actions and their advocacy. To achieve the aim of the study, the survey method was applied. There was utilized the Internet portal, where through the online questionnaire form the primary data were obtained. Finally, the respondents' group consisted of 611 persons over 18 years of age. The conducted research has shown that the banks apply the vast majority of techniques and tools within Marketing 4.0, which stimulate consumers' actions and their advocacy, yet in a variable range. The banks reach their consumers basically through the mobile application, however, its marketing role is rather limited. It is manifested by unsatisfactory users' interest in the banks' dedicated offers and communication via the application. Banks are widely present in social media, creating the virtual forum to present and discuss their offers and other initiatives. Nevertheless, the respondents, who follow banks' fan pages are oriented to reading the content and comments posted rather than being inclined to place their posts. The group of banks' advocates is still relatively small, but these consumers are especially active and engaged in discussions on social media.

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Keywords: Marketing 4.0; banks; content marketing; banks' mobile applications; social media


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