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Dr Marta Raźniewska
ORCID: 0000-0002-2438-7137

Dr Marta Raźniewska

PhD, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz, European Senior Logistician. Her main research interests: improving strategic and operational activities of the supply chains through relationship management and the effective implementation of methods and tools. Her work is mainly focused on supporting SDGs realization & circularity, primarily in the food sector.

DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.1.5

A team of scientists from the Warsaw School of Economics and the University of Lodz organized a scientific seminar on September 23, 2022 as part of the project “New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research: Social Innovation Management for BIOPlastics, SIMBIO”

DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2022.9.3
JEL: D22, O35, Q01

The integration of circular economy principles within the bio-packaging market is driving changes in the food packaging sector. It contributes to the achievement of climate neutrality goals and builds the economy's resilience to the deficiency of non-renewable resources. The aim of the article is to present the key problems and barriers to the development of bio-packaging supply chains and the reasons for their occurrence in Poland, as well as to propose solutions that accelerate the development of the domestic bio-packaging market. The authors undertake the presentation of research results, including social innovations, that are the synergy effect of the knowledge and experience of food bio-packaging supply chains' stakeholders, including private and public entities.

Keywords: biopolymer; packaging; supply chain; circular economy; social innovation