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Quiet quitting – characteristics of the concept and research directions

The phenomenon of quiet quitting is one of the key challenges in the area of human capital management. It is closely associated with a decline in employees' professional commitment, which in turn translates into a decrease in productivity and efficiency at work. The article is conceptual in nature. Its purpose is to systematize knowledge on quiet quitting and to develop recommendations for management practitioners. The following research problem was formulated: what is the essence of the phenomenon of quiet quitting and what are its causes, manifestations and potential effects in the studies of representatives of social sciences? This problem was solved using the method of narrative literature review. The article includes a review of the definition of quiet quitting with particular attention to the divergence of approaches to the essence and causes of this phenomenon, an analysis of psychological and economic concepts explaining the genesis of quiet quitting, as well as the relationship between quiet quitting and demographic variables – age and gender of employees. The theme of the relationship between quiet quitting of employees and the crisis of organizational leadership, which is an important subject of research in the field of management and quality sciences, is also addressed.

Keywords: quiet quitting; labour market; commitment; value system



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