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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2021.11.3
JEL: M31

Relationship marketing within the dealer network — a case study of SaMASZ enterprise

Competition among companies specializing in the agricultural industry forces producers to take actions that will be able to meet the expectations of more and more demanding customers in accordance with the prevailing trends. For this purpose, relationship marketing plays a key role, using appropriate activities determines the strong position of the organization and its strategy. Building relationships has become one of the most important ways to compete in the agricultural machinery market. The aim of the article is to verify the satisfaction of dealers of SaMASZ brand machines in terms of marketing activities carried out using the assumptions of the concept of relationship marketing within the dealership network. For the purposes of the research, the CAWI (Computer-assisted web interviewing) method was used with exclusive importers and owners of SaMASZ dealerships from 20 foreign countries and Poland. The article also presents the essence of relationship marketing and the basic factors influencing the success of using relationship marketing in enterprises producing agricultural machinery.


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Keywords: relationship marketing; dealers network; relationships management


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