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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2019.11.4
JEL: M12, M54, L29

Standard "Investors in People" as a method helpful in managing pro-quality organizations

Investing in people is extremely important, especially in times of intensive development of new technologies (robotics, automation, artificial intelligence), redefining existing jobs. Therefore, there are many reasons that make it necessary to deepen theoretical and empirical research on the possibility of using employee-oriented standards. The aim of the article is to show the level of application of the Investors in People (IiP) standard principles by leading production companies operating in Gorzów Wielkopolski and its vicinity (up to 40km), as well as showing the shaping of individual phenomena of the studied phenomenon in different periods. The study consists of an introduction, the theoretical part related to the subject of the research, the methodological and empirical part containing the results of research on the degree of investing in human capital in accordance with the standard (IiP) in selected organizations. The resulting diagnosis clearly indicates that the intensity of investing in personnel among the surveyed entities increased. The first survey was conducted in 2014, another one in 2019. Guided by the criterion of uniqueness, the research covered the leading production organizations (or being leaders), employing over 250 employees in majority, as well as using standardized systems. Answers to the questions were provided by people involved in activities aimed at improving quality in selected production companies - most often they were the managers (leaders) of the organization or quality representatives. The sample size (10 organizations) seems small, but it results from specific premises. The selection of the organization was dictated by the need to meet the above-mentioned characteristics of enterprises.

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Keywords: investing in people; standard; employee development; quality improvement organizations


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