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The application of CSR and CSV concepts in company marketing activities

Nowadays companies are faced with significant changes in their environment. These relate in particular to changes in the natural environment, related legal regulations, the behaviour of buyers and their growing demands towards product suppliers. Companies are forced to take these trends into account in their marketing strategies. This makes it necessary to consider the application of such concepts as CSR and CSV in their marketing activities. The aim of the publication is precisely an attempt to determine the possibility of applying these concepts in an enterprise's marketing activities. For its implementation the method of critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature relating to these issues was used. The considerations concerned especially the application of the above mentioned concepts in the process of building marketing strategies, their types and used marketing-mix tools. On this basis conclusions were formulated concerning the application of CSR and CSV concepts in the marketing strategies of enterprises. They can be applied especially to the mission of the enterprise, selection of markets, determination of the segment of buyers and marketing-mix tools. Selection of segments of buyers and determination of their needs, especially social needs, will make it possible to create an enterprise's offer in the form of shared economic and social value and to include companies from local markets in its creation.

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Keywords: CSR; CSV; marketing strategy; marketing 3.0; prosumer


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