The influence of online activity of social media users on the brand equity of famous people
Famous people more and more often realise that the greater their personal brand equity based on consumers (social media users), the easier it is for them to achieve their goals. This is proved by advertising contracts that are formed with people who have a large number of "followers" or "likes" on social media. In other words, a strong personal brand is the key capital of a famous person, and its shaping should be the subject of a carefully prepared image strategy. Social media users have a very important role to play in this strategy, which is highlighted in this article. The main purpose of this article is to determine the importance of social media in shaping personal brand. Based on 26 in-depth individual interviews that were conducted with people famous in Poland and surveys of a group of 324 social media users, it was shown, among others, that online activity of Internet users stimulates the brand equity of famous people. Statistically significant relationships were observed for such components of the personal brand as awareness/associations with the personal brand and for the relationship regarding the perception of the quality of activities carried out by a famous person.
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