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The transfer market in football based on Polish Ekstraklasa

In recent years, there have been several significant transfers of footballers from the Polish Ekstraklasa, with an increasing number of young Polish players attaining values exceeding EUR 10 million. The sale of players assumes paramount importance for clubs' finances, frequently serving as a vital source of revenue, essential for maintaining competitiveness at the league hierarchy. The article aims to investigate the connection between a club's capacity to produce professional-level players and its ability to generate significant transfer revenues. Lech Poznań and Legia Warsaw have outperformed other clubs in terms of the number of players trained who competed at the top professional level worldwide in season 2021/2022, and also in terms of total transfer revenues in the period 2019–2022. The results confirm the significance of investing in the training of young players in football.

Keywords: football; transfers; sport; Ekstraklasa



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