Visual communication in SME – selected elements of effectiveness research
This article addresses the issue of visual communication in an SME enterprise. According to the author, small, micro and medium-sized enterprises use visual communication in a haphazard manner, without a systematic and integrated approach, and communication tools are selected haphazardly. In the theoretical part, selected aspects of visual communication are indicated, mainly through the prism of marketing and graphic art. The research part presents the results of studies on the purposefulness of visual communication and the effectiveness of the tools used. The thesis for this article is that visual communication is of low importance in the SME sector and this situation has not changed in comparison with the previous period. This article aims to analyze selected aspects of visual communication in SME companies. The author's thesis is that visual communication in the SME sector is underestimated, its effectiveness is poorly evaluated and this situation has not changed compared to the previous period. Verification of this thesis has been undertaken through extensive primary research carried out by the author. This article presents extracts from the results of comparative research from 2016 and 2022 using questionnaires. The issue will be continued in subsequent articles.
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