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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.4.4
JEL: K22
Tomasz Sójka ORCID: 0000-0001-7555-6829 , e-mail: tsojka|| |tsojka|

A register of shareholders in the form of distributed and decentralized database

The subject of this article is the register of shareholders of a private joint-stock company and a simple joint-stock company maintained in the form of a distributed, decentralized database, in particular using blockchain technology. It addresses the issue of the form of shares of non-public companies and the model of their dematerialisation; the register of shareholders and the obligations of the entity keeping this register. In this article I present the thesis that regulations regarding the shareholder register kept in the form of a distributed and decentralized database should be interpreted in the light of the provisions shaping the general function of the shareholder register as the basic mechanism for exercising shareholders' rights and trading the shares. Therefore, the construction of such a register of shareholders must ensure not only the integrity of the data contained therein but above all the correctness of corporate relations in the company.

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Keywords: privately-held joint-stock company; simple joint-stock company; Company law reform; transfer of shares; dematerialization; blockchain



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