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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2020.4.3
JEL: K230
Marian Masternak ORCID: 0000-0002-2671-9158 , e-mail: master|| |master|

Administrative enforcement against an inheritance enterprise

The subject of the article is the analysis of legal regulations regarding the rules of forced execution of public law obligations after the death of an entrepreneur by way of administrative execution directed to the assets constituting the inherited enterprise. These rules are different depending on whether the entrepreneur's death occurred during the pending enforcement proceedings or before the initiation of such proceedings. In the first case, after fulfilling the conditions specified in the law, the enforcement proceedings are continued, whereas the enforcement may be carried out only from assets constituting the inherited enterprise. In the second, in order to carry out enforcement from the inheritance enterprise's assets, administrative enforcement proceedings are initiated on a general basis. In both these situations the rights and obligations of the obligated are exercised by the manager of inheritance enterprise.

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Keywords: inheritance enterprise; manager of inheritance enterprise; administrative enforcement proceedings


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Journal of Business Law 4/2020
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