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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2023.12.2
JEL: K15, K20, L20, L21, L22

Characteristic problems and specificity of family companies – comments from the perspective of German and Austrian law

This article focuses on the characteristic problems and specificity of family companies, emphasizing the importance of family company law as a complex and comprehensive area of practice, mainly in the field of commercial law. This article also draws attention to selected problems in the field of company law dogmatic regarding family companies. The analysis carried out in the article leads to the conclusion that the law of enterprises and family companies, due to the specific problems of family companies, should become the subject of increased interest in the Polish doctrine of company law. However, there is no need to adapt Polish company law to the needs of family companies, because the vast majority of problems related to their functioning can be solved on the basis of applicable law.

Keywords: family business; family company; family foundation; enterprise succession; entrepreneur succession; company law; commercial law





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