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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.12.2
JEL: E61, E62, H1, H6

COVID-19 pandemic as an enabler of financial law reform to strengthen the effectiveness of fiscal rules to reduce public debt

The aim of the article is to answer the question whether the COVID-19 pandemic can contribute to the reform of the financial law in the field of fiscal rules that should be modified, and if so, in what direction should their reform go so that they can more effectively counteract excessive public debt in situations of sudden and unexpected economic downturns. The study adopts the thesis that the fiscal rules during the COVID-19 pandemic confirmed their effectiveness because they allowed for a quick response to the economic and financial effects of the pandemic, despite the fact that they did not counteract a significant increase in public debt in relation to GDP in all EU countries (in 2020). However, this was due to the pandemic-related sudden slump in the global economy, and not to the failure of fiscal rules. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic confirmed the need to reform the financial law to improve the structure of fiscal rules in order to increase their effectiveness. The study indicates the directions of this reform, both in relation to supranational (EU) and national fiscal rules.

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Keywords: fiscal rules; economization of financial law; COVID-19; pandemic




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