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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2023.11.3
JEL: K11, K12, K24

Data in a smart factory – legal aspects

In the era of Industry 4.0, cloud services have become commonly used, offering integration of various IT systems. Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems support process flexibility and modularization. Platforms enabling the synchronisation of the operation of various AI agents are created and industrial components based on AI integrated in multi-agent systems are developed. One of the important aspects of intelligent production is the safe and effective cooperation of humans with industrial robots and AI systems. In this context, the authors of this article consider issues related to the type and scope of processed data, processing of mixed data sets and the phenomenon of data re-personalization, the scope of the right to privacy and issues related to automated decision making. They also indicate new or planned legal regulations that may affect intelligent production.

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Keywords: intelligent manufacturing; Industry 4.0; artificial intelligence; data; data management





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