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Green certificates trading & the EU free movement of goods in the light of the Alands Vindkraft AB case

Green energy trading in the EU goes beyond the Treaty rules of the EU internal market. The energy law interpretation, in the light of the internal market rules, is full of convergencies and divergencies. Commented in this work dispute between Alands Vindkraft AB company, the owner of the wind farm located in the Aland archipelago in Finland and Swedish Energimyndigheten showes notorious conflict between treaty based freedom of movement of goods and member states' freedoms to lead their own energy policies. This member state's autonomy derives from directive 2009/28/EC, however, this directive being a secondary source of law should be, in principle, compliant with the treaty-based freedoms of movement.

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Keywords: EU emissions trading system; domestic support schemes; green certificates; free movement of goods; quantitative restrictions



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