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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.4.3
JEL: K20, G20, G33

Principles of imposing fines on "domestic entities" by the Bank Guarantee Fund

Since 2016 the Bank Guarantee Fund (BGF) has been authorized to impose fines on entities (banks, brokerage houses and credit unions) that violate certain obligations under their special resolution regime. The act sets the maximum amount of fines at the level of PLN 100 million, but gives the BGF free hand to apply lower fines. The directives for mitigating the amount of the fine leave the BFG a large scope of freedom of action. The catalogue of violations of the law for which a fine may be imposed is comprehensively formulated, but it is possible to repeatedly apply the penalty to the same entity who persistently violates the law. The proceeds from the fines go to the state budget, but in this respect an amendment to the act has been proposed, consisting in leaving these proceeds at the disposal of the BGF for the purpose of financing the restructuring measures. It has been shown that the fines imposed by the BGF are not only a sanction for violation of the law, but also a legal measure, the application of which should improve the effectiveness of the implementation of special resolution regime processes by entities avoiding cooperation with the BGF in this respect. In conclusion, it has been assessed that the fines imposed by the BGF are of a specific nature determined by many factors, including the status and tasks of the BGF, the purposes of applying these fines, as well as the place and role of domestic entities on the financial market. The final effect of properly conducted special resolution regime is not only to prevent the bankruptcy of a specific entity, but also to improve the situation on the financial market in general.

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Keywords: financial market; special resolution regime; fine; Bank Guarantee Fund




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Pozostałe źródła

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