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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2020.7.2
JEL: D10, G20, G50, L84, O33

Robo-advice as example of fin-tech — problems of regulating and operatin

The service of automated financial advice (robo-advice) belongs to financial innovations in the area of retail customer service and is provided by entities from the financial technologies segment. This service usually concerns investment consultancy and involves the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence to collect information from the client and propose a solution corresponding to the client's risk profile. This method of service reduces the costs of consultancy services and minimizes or completely abolishes the minimum investment amount required by the adviser. The homeland of robo-advice is the United States, where the largest market is, but robo-advisers are also present in Europe. The article presents the most important aspects related to the definition, regulations, operating, size of the world and Poland's market and it forecast until 2023. The presented analysis shows that the most likely solution in the future is the hybrid model, in which a traditional financial advisor responsible for shaping customer relations uses robo-advice tools for customer service. The challenge for the regulator and financial supervision will be the introduction of such standards that will ensure the security of economic trading participants, and on the other hand will not be too restrictive and inhibit the development of this innovative segment of the financial services market.

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Keywords: financial advisory; financial technology; financial regulation; robo-advice




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