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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.8.8
JEL: K00, K34, K40

Ruling on a refusal to initiate proceedings — Commentary on the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) Judgment of July 5, 2018 (I FSK 1277/16

The article is a criticism of the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) Judgment concerning the issue of ruling on a refusal to initiate proceedings, in proceedings commenced at the request of the party. Therefore, the scope of the party's rights in tax proceedings and the nature of the proceedings regarding the refund of value-added tax were analysed. On their basis, it was found that the refusal to initiate proceedings, issued according to Article 165a § 1 of the Tax Ordinance Act, applies only to proceedings inaugurated at the request of the party. Accordingly, it is not authorised to refuse to instigate the proceedings to credit the tax refund towards the liabilities indicated by the taxpayer.

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Keywords: tax proceedings; refusal to initiate proceedings; tax refund




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