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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.5.7
JEL: K22, K23, K34
Krzysztof Teszner ORCID: 0000-0002-7398-582X , e-mail: k.teszner|| |k.teszner|

Scope of judicial control of the blocking of an entrepreneur's bank account — a gloss to the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 27 April 2020, I FSK 491/20

judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 27 April 2020, I FSK 491/20

The judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court concerns the issue of control of the application of the blockade of the entrepreneur's bank account by the tax administration due to the possibility of its use for tax frauds. The Court's view that the premises of a short account blockade are subject to court-administrative control is correct. This results from the pro-constitutional interpretation of Article 119zv § 1 and Article 119zw § 1 of the Tax Ordinance. However, the position of the Court that the control of the premises of a short blockade is possible only as a result of an appeal against the decision of the Head of The National Fiscal Administration (KAS) on the extension of the blockade of the entrepreneur's bank account for a fixed period cannot be approved.

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Keywords: bank account blocking; tax ordinance; administrative court proceedings




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