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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.10.1
JEL: K20, K23

Substitute performance in public procurement

The admittance of substitute performance of a contracted service by a third party at the contractor's expense, as a type of fulfilment of the debtor's financial liability, especially in the event of falling into delays or the defective performance of a public contract, constitutes the reinforcement of the principle of real performing a contract, which is important from the point of view of the effective satisfaction of public needs. The alternative form of liability being the rescission of the contract by the contracting authority, while retaining the right to compensation or demanding the payment of a contractual penalty does not always sufficiently satisfy its interests. The authorization of the contracting authority to apply substitute performance can arise directly from the Act, although it only applies to rare, exceptional situations, or a court order. The significance of an authorization arising from a previous contractual provision has recently been increasing. However, this basis poses difficulties of qualification, primarily of a structural nature. The principle of the real performance of a contract can also be implemented by filing an action against an unreliable contractor for a performance in kind, although enforcement difficulties can be avoided by a court order authorizing substitute performance by a third party at the contractor's expense.

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Keywords: public procurement; contract; substitute performance



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