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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2023.10.5
JEL: K25, K23

The addressee of the decision on the demolition order – a commentary partially critical to the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 25 January 2023, II OSK 139/20

The subject of the gloss is the partially critical assessment of the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 25 January 2023, II OSK 139/20. In the commented judgment, the Supreme Administrative Court assumed that the demolition order cannot be addressed to the investor if the latter would not comply with the decision. In such a situation, this obligation should be borne by the property owner. The above requires a more in-depth commentary (taking into account the factual circumstances of the case) and embedding these considerations in the already existing jurisprudence of administrative courts.

Keywords: demolition order; administrative decision; investor; owner; construction law; administrative law





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Akty prawne/Legal acts

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Wyrok NSA z 4.09.2007 r., II OSK 1160/06, Lex nr 374725.

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Wyrok NSA z 14.12.2016 r., II OSK 704/15, Lex nr 2232624.

Wyrok NSA z 06.12.2017 r., II OSK 714/16, Lex nr 2430506.

Wyrok NSA z 18.10.2018 r., II OSK 2623/16, Lex nr 2582325.

Wyrok NSA z 25.09.2019 r., II OSK 2247/18, Lex nr 2728562.

Wyrok NSA z 21.04.2021 r., II OSK 2103/18, Lex nr 3195264.

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Wyrok WSA w Gliwicach z 08.08.2019 r., II SA/Gl 17/19, Lex nr 2717848.

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Wyrok WSA w Krakowie z 18.05.2017 r., II SA/Kr 239/17, Lex nr 2305200.

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Wyrok WSA w Warszawie z 15.05.2019 r., VIII SA/Wa 232/19, Lex nr 2681562.

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