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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2021.4.6
JEL: H57, H76

The consequences of expiry of the offer's validity in the light of new Public Procurement Law

The aim of the article is to discuss the consequences of the expiry of the validity period time of the offer submitted in the public procurement procedure and to evaluate the solution introduced to the Public Procurement Law of 2019 from the perspective of the Civil Code, which establishes the general legal regime for economic transactions. According to civil law, an offer that ceases to bind expires so acceptance of such an offer does not lead to a legal relationship (contractual or pre-contractual). The Public Procurement Law of 2004 did not regulate the effects of the expiry of the offer's validity period, which was the source of doctrinal disputes and discrepancies in jurisprudence. The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-35/17 has dispelled these doubts only to some extent. The solution adopted in the Public Procurement Law of 2019 entitles the contractor to express a consent to the conclusion of the contract, which in the civil sense is a renewal of the offer. The model designed as a compromise between ensuring the effectiveness of tender procedures and the need to be consistent with the basic structures of civil law raises a number of doubts. It creates a non-tender phase of the public procurement procedure, which makes it difficult to describe the legal situation of the participants using traditional civil law terminology.

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Keywords: public procurement; tender; validity of an offer; conclusion of a public procurement contract



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