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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2019.10.5
JEL: K15

The public approval of the "term of use" and the admissibility of checking the abusiveness of its content — remarks on the judgment of the Supreme Court of 9 August 2018 (V CSK 413/17)

The article approaches the issue of the impact of the approval of gambling terms of use by a competent public administration body for the ability to control the content of this terms against unlawful clauses. The considerations began with a key issue for proper research on this issue, and hence a definition of the model form of a contract and its legal qualification. On this basis, the gambling terms of use were considered as the standard contract, which gives the news of the currently neglected division into normative and non-normative model forms, including qualified and non-qualified ones. Finally, a comparative analysis of the regulation of gambling games with solutions adopted in the energy and telecommunications law was used in the scope of approval of contract models used on both markets was made in order to demonstrate imperfect regulation of the gambling law, which excludes the recognition of it as a lex specialis to the regulation of art. 384–385 4 polish Civil Code.

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Keywords: unlawful clauses; model form of a contract; term of use; administrative decision


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