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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2022.4.2
JEL: H57, H76

The tenderer's status in the public procurement procedure

The purpose of the study is to analyze the status of the tenderer under the Public Procurement Law, in particular: determining the temporal limits of this status, the rights and obligations of the entity entitled to this status, and to examine the internal dynamics in the group of tenderers. In a public procurement procedure based on a tender model, three stages can be distinguished: pre-bid, bid and pre-contract. Article 7.30 of the Public Procurement Law enables the identification of four categories of economic operators, only two of which refer to participants in the procedure. The status of the candidate is linked to the pre-bid phase of the procedure, while the status of the tenderer is activated with the start of the bidding phase, and ends with the completion of the pre-contractual phase i.e. the award of the contract. The composition of the group of bidders as well as their rights and obligations are changed when the result of the procedure announced by the contracting authority becomes final. While at the bidding stage, tenderers have the right to actively act to maintain their offer in the proceedings or eliminate competitors' offers, at the pre-contractual stage, nonselected contractors can only wait for the reactivation of the bidding stage, which may happen if the tenderer whose offer has been selected refuses to conclude the contract.

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Keywords: public procurement; stages of the public procurement procedure; contractor; tenderer



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