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Consequences of the new reference price for multi-channel retailers after lockdown due to SARS-CoV-2

The article aims to present, based on the psychological theories of consumer behaviour, the essence of a new reference price in a multichannel retail environment after lockdown due to SARS-CoV-2. Multichannel pricing is well explained in the literature; in this article authors wanted to present this issue in an actual context — they indicated the consequences in the area of price perception due to the unplanned and temporary elimination of the brick-andmortar stores. The forced customer migration to the online environment, caused by the lockdown, has current consequences for multichannel retailers as well as longterm consequences. Authors proposed a conceptual approach to the process of shaping a new reference price during the pandemic. Some practical and theoretical implications have been also provided.

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Keywords: reference price; price differentiation; price communications; multichannel sales



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