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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2022.1.4
JEL: M31, D16, 036
Piotr Krowicki ORCID: 0000-0001-6891-2354 , e-mail: p.krowicki|| |p.krowicki|

Customer engagement — bonds with related categories & research contexts

The main goal of the article is to define the relationship between customer engagement (CE) and related categories as well as to identify research contexts in Polish literature on the subject. The study is of a theoretical and conceptual nature, and the research method used was the analysis of the literature on the subject — the methodology of a critical and systematic review of the scientific literature was used. Additionally, the author proposed a Polish translation of the concept of customer engagement and its related categories (commitment and involvement). The research results presented in the article indicate the need to define the hitherto vague semantic boundaries between CE and related categories, to standardize the terminology related to the CE phenomenon and to develop its precise interpretation.

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Keywords: customer commitent; customer engagement; customer involvement



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