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Purchasing decisions of Generation Z based on the fashion industry

In times of rapid technological development, access to information is greater and, at the same time, other than generally accepted aspects determine consumer decisions. Not only basic factors such as price, store brand and product availability are taken into account. Purchasing decisions are increasingly influenced by the ecological aspect, related to ethical production, the making of the product from sustainable materials, the pressure that accompanies a onetime purchase opportunity or the influence of people on social media. Therefore, the aim of this article is to identify the determinants of purchasing decisions of Generation Z representatives in relation to the fashion industry. A quantitative method was used in the research process. A survey was conducted using the CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) technique. The questionnaire was completed by 508 respondents from Generation Z (people born after 1995) and 95 representatives of other generations. The procedure was designed to test whether the age of consumers influences their determinants of purchase decisions. Multivariate tables were used during the analysis. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to indicate differences between age groups.

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Keywords: Generation Z; determinants of purchase decisions; fashion industry



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