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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.9.2
JEL: M31, D11, D12
Monika Skorek ORCID: 0000-0002-6227-5451 , e-mail: m.skorek|| |m.skorek|

Factors determining behaviours of senior female customers in the market of eco-friendly cosmetic products

Economic practice necessitates continuous focus on the needs of senior customers. On one hand, this situation is a consequence of the demographic situation; on the other hand, continuous changes in the market behaviour of seniors are evident, and consequently, the set of factors shaping these behaviours. Additionally, increasing importance is attributed to the ecological aspect of consumption. The aim of this study is to construct an ecosystem of factors determining the behaviour of senior female consumers in the market of ecofriendly cosmetic products and to determine the relationships between these factors. The ecosystem of factors encompasses a defined set of behaviours specific to the identified group of consumers. Structural analysis method was employed to create this ecosystem, serving as a tool to organize and analyse sets with a high number of various factors that interact with each other. Research results allowed for the construction of the ecosystem and the identification of five groups of factors within its structure (goal factors, outcome factors, auxiliary factors, regulatory factors, and external factors), as well as establishing relationships between them. An additional goal is to comprehend the essence and trends inherent in the behaviours of senior customers, considering the processes of ecological awareness.

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Keywords: market behaviours of seniors; factors ecosystem; structural analysis; consumer behaviour ecologisation



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