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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.7.1
JEL: D1, L81, M16, M31, M38, Q56

Large scale retail marketing strategies and global grand challenges of the 21st century

The aim of the paper is to discuss the ability of large scale retail chains operating in the Polish market to incorporate in their marketing strategies responses to global civilizational, technological, consumer or energy challenges. According to the author, top management of retail chains are able to skillfully adapt their strategies to new civilizational and technological challenges. In doing so, they are becoming leaders of new trends that determine consumer behaviour patterns with regard to healthy diet. As socially responsible entities, foreign large scale retail chains can also play a major role in environmental education of Polish consumers and in promoting energy efficiency because of the scale of their operations in the Polish market and their market reach. Their strategies can also make a positive contribution to deglobalisation by initiating cooperation with local producers of traditional products, however, the process will require a change in the previous business philosophy. This article relies on the findings of the author's qualitative research conducted in 2021 and 2022 using in-depth expert interviews with managers of leading FMCG chains and in-depth interviews with metropolitan households who shop at large retail chains. 

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Keywords: large scale retailers; marketing strategies; marketing and global challenges; social responsibility; consumer's education



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