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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.7.3
JEL: M30, L10

Marketing metrics – marketing offline vs. marketing online perspective

We are both witnesses and participants of the changes brought about by modern information technologies. They bring changes not only to our ways of communicating, but also to our perception of the world around us, including the assessment of events taking place in it. The aim of the publication is to identify the main directions of changes in the measurement of marketing performance in the context of two key concepts, i.e. offline marketing and online marketing. In view of the dissemination of new technologies, and in fact the displacement of old communication and sales channels by these technologies, it should be assumed that this trend will lead to the replacement of old indicators for measuring marketing performance by new ones, derived from new technologies. However, the mere change of marketing performance measurement indicators has a deeper meaning, as it reflects a change in the essence of marketing performance evaluations. Observing the behavior of buyers in the search for information about the product and the purchases themselves, it can be assumed that this change will lead to a reduction in the importance of the so-called mental metrics (indicators) in the assessment of marketing performance, because marketing activity is moving to the space where the approach based on network behaviors dominates. Measurements based on "clicks" offer many benefits, but above all reflect a different philosophy of performance measurement. The usefulness of many previously defined categories of marketing performance indicators is changing and will depend on the development of methods for measuring them in networks.

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Keywords: marketing performance; marketing metrics; online marketing; offline marketing



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