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Perceptions and intentions toward glamping: A multifaceted examination of value dimensions

The growing trend of glamping, an experience that seamlessly combines the tranquillity of nature with luxury amenities, has witnessed increasing popularity over recent years. This study delves into the intricate interplay between the perceived values associated with glamping and the ensuing booking intentions of potential consumers. Leveraging Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), we conducted a systematic analysis of the relationships between various dimensions of perceived glamping value and their impact on booking intentions. Our findings highlight the pronounced significance of quality and hedonic values in shaping future booking decisions. On the contrary, economic value revealed an inverse relationship with booking intentions. These insights provide valuable guidance for both academia and industry practitioners, offering strategic directions for enhancing their offerings and marketing campaigns. This study pioneers new ground in the ever-changing realm of experiential tourism and emphasizes the need for ongoing research to refine our understanding, given the evolving nature of consumer perceptions and the dynamic glamping sector.

Keywords: glamping; experiential tourism; booking intentions; consumer perceptions



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