Quality of dance school services — marketing implications
The article is of a research nature. It aims to identify the most important factors determining the quality of services offered by dance schools. To achieve the set goal, the SERVQUAL method was used. This method allows determining the most desirable features of dance schools by the students and combines them into several categories: "specifics", "reliability", "willingness to cooperate", "certainty", "empathy". These features form the five dimensions of service quality and decide whether the customer will accept the company's offer. They are also the foundation of the process of building customer satisfaction of every service company. The results of the research obtained on a nationwide sample of 265 participants of dance schools indicate that among the surveyed dimensions, "certainty" and "reliability" are the most important for the respondents. On the other hand, the most irrelevant is "empathy". The presented results, despite the limitations resulting from the lack of full representativeness of the sample and the used technique (online survey), in the author's opinion may be a support and great source of information for managers of dance schools and be a contribution to the continuation of research in the undertaken area.
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