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DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2022.5.2
JEL: M31, 030, 031, 032

Rationalization of innovation management: Model concepts

The aim of the article is to demonstrate, on the basis of the results of the analysis and critical evaluation of the selected literature, that innovative activity, like any functional area of an enterprise, should be covered by systemic management based on knowledge and model solutions developed by science proposed in this publication. The following research methods were used to achieve this goal: cognitive-critical analysis of the selected literature on the subject, the descriptive and comparative method, and the projection method used to develop one's own definition of innovation, innovation management as well as to develop a process-based innovation management model. The listed elements that determine the originality of the publication. The importance of the subject matter discussed in the article is important both in the context of the functioning of marketing units in the company itself, as well as in the context of shaping new relations with market elements, especially in the field of: i) systemic acquisition of market information and its processing for the needs of information and decision-making processes and the innovative processes themselves, ii) shaping mutual, partner relations with market institutions and individual clients, conducive to the systemic acquisition of external knowledge for the needs of the processes of creating and implementing innovations.

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Keywords: innovation; manager; enterprise; development; management



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