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Dr inż. Jerzy Baruk
ORCID: 0000-0002-7515-0535

A retired research and didactic employee of the Institute of Management of the Faculty of Economics at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. His research activity focuses on: organizational and economic aspects of innovative activity, innovation management and through innovation, the impact of innovation on the efficiency of the organizations. The subject of research activity is also knowledge management and the relationship between this concept and creating innovations. Author of 380 scientific publications on broadly understood innovations and knowledge management, published in national and foreign scientific journals and conference materials. Author of four books written independently and co-author of several dozen others. He presented the results of his researches at numerous national and international scientific conferences. Member of the following organizations: The Scientific Society of Organization and Management; Polish Society for Production Management; Enterprise of Economic Initiatives "Taures" in Warsaw; Lublin Scientific Society; Polish Praxeological Society; University — Industry — Science Partnership. Polish "UNISPAR" Working Group Society; Innovative Entrepreneur Club at the Lublin Development Foundation. Advisor at the Scientific Society of Organization and Management — Branch in Lublin; the enterprise of economic initiatives "Taures" in Warsaw.

DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2024.9.4
JEL: 030, 031, 032, 043

The aim of the publication is to discuss, on the basis of selected literature, the essence of innovation, the essence of innovation culture, to explain the interrelation of these issues, to discuss the essence of innovation management in the environment of innovative culture. The following research methods were used to achieve this goal: critical and cognitive analysis of selected literature on the subject, descriptive method, comparative method and designing socio-economic models and systems method. These methods made it possible to critically interpret basic concepts such as: development, innovation, innovation management, organizational/innovation culture, innovation culture management. On the other hand, the designing socio-economic models and systems method was used to design models: rational management of the innovation process in the environment of innovation culture and a model of integration of innovation culture management and innovation activity in innovative organizations. The above-mentioned structural elements of the article determine its originality. They have important cognitive and utilitarian values for managers, creating (after their application) the possibility of systemic transformation of a traditionally managed organization into an organization managed by innovation in the environment of innovative culture.

Keywords: innovation; manager; innovation culture; organization; development; innovation management; innovation culture management
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.6.5
JEL: D83, M12, O31, O32

The aim of the publication is to analyze and critically evaluate the selected literature and propose a new concept of knowledge management and innovation management based on the integration of these two functional areas into one systemic whole. To achieve this goal, research methods were used, such as: critical-cognitive analysis of selected literature, the descriptive and comparative method, and the projective method. These methods enabled a critical interpretation of key concepts such as: knowledge, its types, knowledge management; innovation, its types, innovation management. On the other hand, the projection method was used to develop and present original definitions: knowledge, knowledge management, innovation, innovation management, and to propose a model for integrating efficient knowledge management and innovation activity management. The indicated structural elements of the article determine its originality. They have significant cognitive and practical values for the managerial staff, enabling (after their application) a systemic transformation of a traditional enterprise into an innovative, knowledge-based, learning enterprise.

Keywords: knowledge; innovation; enterprise; manager; knowledge management; innovation management
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2022.5.2
JEL: M31, 030, 031, 032

The aim of the article is to demonstrate, on the basis of the results of the analysis and critical evaluation of the selected literature, that innovative activity, like any functional area of an enterprise, should be covered by systemic management based on knowledge and model solutions developed by science proposed in this publication. The following research methods were used to achieve this goal: cognitive-critical analysis of the selected literature on the subject, the descriptive and comparative method, and the projection method used to develop one's own definition of innovation, innovation management as well as to develop a process-based innovation management model. The listed elements that determine the originality of the publication. The importance of the subject matter discussed in the article is important both in the context of the functioning of marketing units in the company itself, as well as in the context of shaping new relations with market elements, especially in the field of: i) systemic acquisition of market information and its processing for the needs of information and decision-making processes and the innovative processes themselves, ii) shaping mutual, partner relations with market institutions and individual clients, conducive to the systemic acquisition of external knowledge for the needs of the processes of creating and implementing innovations.

Keywords: innovation; manager; enterprise; development; management
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2021.3.2
JEL: M31, 030, 032, 035

It is commonly believed that innovations are an important factor in the development of an organization, especially the growth of its competitiveness. This thesis is not always confirmed by the results achieved by economic entities. The reasons for this may be mistakes made by managers in the field of innovation management. In particular, to these reasons belong: intuitive, random treatment of innovative activity, ambiguous understanding of innovations, lack of knowledge on models of the course of innovation processes. Therefore, it is reasonable to propose changes in the approach to innovation management. Thearticle attempts to solve the research problem contained in the question: do the models of innovation processes support to increasing the efficiency of innovative activity management? This is a general question. Answering this question required asking a few detailed questions, such as: 1) what are innovations and what is their impact on the development of an organization? 2) what are the generations of selected innovation models characterized by? 3) how to use the universal model of innovation to rationalize the innovative activity management? The answers to the above questions constitute the structure of the publication. The structure of the article has been enriched with an original proposal of the concept of model innovation management that may contribute to the rationalization of this process. In order to achieve the indicated goals, the following research methods were used: a critical and cognitive analysis of the literature, a descriptive and comparative method, and a projection method to propose a universal model of innovative processes management.

Keywords: innovation; marketing; model; organization; management
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.5.1
JEL: M31, 030, 032, 035

All enterprises are located in a specific environment, whose elements have a significant impact on their functioning and development. Enterprises create products that meet customer needs. In return, customers provide economic value, information, knowledge and experience. Therefore, there are constant interactions between enterprises and elements of the environment (clients), which should be rationally managed to maintain the necessary balance. Enterprises should react to turbulent changes in the environment by introducing internal changes. These changes take the form of innovations that provide specific value for customers. Customers must be included in the process of co-creating innovation. Shaping mutual relations should have a model character. Innovation activities must be managed in a manner similar to the management in the case of other functional areas of an enterprise. Managers' attention should be focused not only on creating product and process innovations, but also on managerial innovations aimed at creating social innovation capital and an innovative experience environment. It is about strengthening the market position of the enterprise through rational innovation management. In practice, there is a significant gap between the postulated state and reality. That is why the purpose of the publication is to try to find an answer to the general question: can innovation management be conducive to strengthening the market position of anenterprise?

Keywords: innovation; marketing; enterprise; value; knowledge; management
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.2.1
JEL: D83, M31, M54

One of the basic features of modern industrial and service organizations is the ability to systematically create and implement innovations with the active participation of clients in these processes. It is therefore reasonable to base the organization management policy on the client's perspective. It enables both the acquisition of value and its co-creation with the active participation of clients and the systematic use of their knowledge and experience through interactions occurring many times at any place and time. In business practice, the majority of organizations operating in Poland are managed from perspective of an organization, which leads to relatively low innovativeness of business entities. Therefore, the article attempts to assess the level of innovativeness of industrial and service organizations through the prism of the basic measure, which is the share of innovative organizations in their total number. In particular, an attempt was made to answer the following questions: 1) are Polish industrial and service organizations innovative? 2) what is the structure of implemented innovations? 3) what is the dynamics of implemented innovations? 4) are marketing innovations reflected in the organization's development policy? 5) what is structure of marketing innovations? The purpose of the publication is also to check the research thesis that the commonness of implementing marketing innovations is relatively low and diversified in industrial and service organizations. It depends mainly on the size of economic organizations and types of innovations. The implemented innovations are rather the result of thinking from the perspective of the organization rather than thinking from the perspective of the clients.

Keywords: innovation; marketing; organisation; knowledge; management