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Retail investors' profiles. Case of Polish Stock Exchange

In the wake of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic crisis and related economic changes, an increased influx of new individual investors into the Polish stock market has been observed. This raises the need for in-depth research into the behavioral characteristics of this "new generation" to better understand the needs of novice market participants. This article is based on the author's primary research conducted on a relatively large sample of Polish investors (N = 1,067) in April 2021. The paper aims to outline demographic and behavioral profiles, as well as to determine the needs of investors in terms of access to selected methods of market analysis. The results indicate a growing interest in foreign investments, as well as a strong influence of intuition, global events, and stock market liquidity on investment decisions. The results can provide useful signposts for brokerage houses and investment firms to better tailor their offerings to this new audience.

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Keywords: investors; traders; financial markets; stock exchange; WSE



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